So how I started with the photography, the story of my transition to photography is not as interesting as it was after I decide to get serious in photography. I was not one of those people who took a camera and what ever they shot it looked like from the magazine. I had to learn it all from the basics. I purchased my first SLR camera Nikon D40 camera in 2005 when I was working on Carnival Cruise Line in USA. I still remember that day, when I went to the camera shop in Sand Diego downtown. Felt like a child in the toy store. At that time the purpose of that camera was just to capture the beauty of the world, while traveling in Bahamas, Mexico and Virgin islands. And to be honest I was mainly shooting auto. It sucked but I didn’t have much time learning all the tricks of the photography. Probably if the phones were that good those days, like they are now, I wouldn’t even buy that fancy camera (at that time it was fancy). Luckily I did bought that black machine that lead me to where I am now 🙂
When I was done with the cruise ships in 2008 I merged to the luxury yachting in south of France. This is where I met my partner in life and thanks to him, now I’m doing what I love. I actually have never thought I will be doing something that I love. I have been very lucky to find a photography. It makes my heart sing 🙂 It’s a feeling, I wish everyone could feel while going to work.
Today, I am shooting wedding already for 4 years and during those years I met so many awesome people and most of the time thanks to photography. I love every aspect of it, the connections I make with my clients, the creative part of it, the places I see while travel for work. I mean, how can you not love it 🙂 It gives me all that I need. I always knew that I have this creative bug in me, because I always tried to create something with my own hands. But nothing kept me as interested as photography did.
Today, I would like to thank, all of my clients that hired me and trusted me to do my best. And I will work continuously to get better at what I do and bring you the best of me.
Also, I wish to all of you to find yourself the hobby or the job of your dreams!!!
And if you already found what you love to do, would love to hear about it in the comments 🙂